All that glitters is good.....

All that glitters is good.....

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sookie Stackhouse novels

In the last month and a half I have been OBSESSED with reading all of the Sookie Stackhouse novels. Right now there are 10 books in the series, with the 11th coming out this May. The books are written by Charlaine Harris and they are like literary crack. They're very easy to read and there are a lot of cliffhangers. These are the books that the HBO show "True Blood" is based off of. I'm a huge fan of the show but I think I like the books even more. The books are all written from Sookie's perspective, so you get a lot more of people's inner thoughts via her telepathy. There's a lot of characters, which is sometimes hard to keep track of, but they are all very interesting. And to "True Blood's" credit, they did a good job with casting. Another upside of the books, the two characters who annoy me in the show are not a major part of the books at all! And they are much, much better than the "Twilight" books because they are not centered around mopey teenagers.

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