All that glitters is good.....

All that glitters is good.....

Monday, March 7, 2011

Does It Offend You, Yeah?'s new tunes

I am a huge fan of the electronic punk rock band from the UK, Does It Offend You, Yeah? I mean, can't you tell right away from the name that they are going to rock you? Anyway, they roll into Minneapolis about once every one to two years on tour and their shows are always amazing. Both times they've played at the 7th Street Entry and it's been all about the moshing, crowd-surfing, rafter-hanging, and just an all-around insane dance party. I would describe the show styles as an electronic thrash. Last time one of the guys from the band was crowd-surfing, hit his head on the speaker, and they still cam back for an encore. They really haven't had anything new since the "You Have No Idea What You're Getting Yourself Into" album in 2008. Well, their new music, "Don't Say We Didn't Warn You," is available for pre-order now. From what I've heard, it's great. There isn't a huge difference in sound from their old stuff, but that's what works. No one else has a sound like theirs, so why bother changing it up. I'm loving the funny lyrics of the track "The Monkeys Are Coming." All in all, totally worth the purchase and I will definitely be seeing them again next time they come to town!


  1. Thanks for keeping me up on all the good tunes, my friend! Even though we're closer to the UK physically than the US, somehow, we remain in this black musical hole. For instance, Roxette sold out. Wilco didn't. WTF.

  2. Hahaha, I love Europe, but sometimes their musical priorities are a bit off. But yay, thanks for reading my blog abroad. I think you should start "An American in Prague" adventure blog...
