All that glitters is good.....

All that glitters is good.....

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Movie review: Winter's Bone

Last night I finally got around to one of this last award season's favorites, Winter Bone. It stars the wonderful Jenifer Lawrence. I totally get why she was nominated for her role in it. If you see her on the red carpet, she's this gorgeous, blond, California girl. In the movie, she's gritty, real, and matches her surroundings. She's not afraid to get down, dirty, and beat-up. The movie is set in the dreary part of the Ozark mountains. For me, it's crazy to think that some people actually do live there. I'm so use to city life. The premise of the movie is that Lawrence's character has to go on a search for her meth-making father, as he put their house up as collateral for his bail and then didn't show up. It was an interesting movie. The people in that town have a law of their own, and even though there's a sheriff that shows up occasionally throughout the movie. There are some really gritty parts to the movie that I can't explain without ruining the plot. I definitely had to look away at one point. I hope this is just the beginning of a long career for Jennifer Lawrence, who's next role is playing the young Mystique in "X-Men: First Class," coming to theaters soon.

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