All that glitters is good.....

All that glitters is good.....

Monday, March 21, 2011

Green Eggs & Glam is going West Coast

I'm moving to San Francisco in three weeks! The man, the kitties, and I are packing up and driving out there. But don't worry, Green Eggs & Glam will continue from the West Coast. Be prepared for restaurant and food reviews of my new city. I hope they like sparkly things out there....


  1. Good luck!! Where will u be working at? I am saving to make that move in about 1.5 yrs! Love it!!!! Congrats!

  2. Thanks lady! I'm going to be working at Bulter, Stern, Shine, & Partners. I'm so excited, this is kind of a spontaneous thing. You're smart to save up for it! Well, let me know when you make it out there. I know no one out there, so I'm all about getting some awesome MN peeps to make the move.
