All that glitters is good.....

All that glitters is good.....

Friday, April 22, 2011

Review: 127 Hours

Last weekend I gave in and watched "127 Hours." I'll be honest, I've been avoiding watching it because I know from the real news story it's based on that he's going to hack off his arm at some point. I just don't want to see that. But it got a ton of buzz and I love James Franco, so I decided to watch it. Franco does an amazing job of embodying a free, adventurous, kooky hiker, who for some reason thinks it's smart to hike in the desert alone. Probably not the best idea. And this story didn't happen too long ago. Why did this guy not have a cell phone with him? The scenery was amazing. I'm not a nature person, but some of those breathtaking shots made me want to go hike around the desert. I was a little concerned because sometimes movies where it's just one character stranded and talking to himself most of the movie (i.e. "Castaway") can get a bit boring and weird. This movie did a good job of avoiding that with a decent amount of flashbacks. And when he was taping a message to his parents on his video camera was a very emotional scene. I'll give the guys props, he was very resourceful and lasted longer in that crevice than I ever would have. And I would have never had the guts to chop off my own arm. That scene was.... what I expected. But apparently the guy who this movie is based on is still hiking and adventuring around with one arm. Very brave (and slightly stupid)! What's with all these people who barely make it out alive of a situation and then go right back to it once they're better?? All in all, an interesting and well-made movie. I'm glad I watched it.

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