All that glitters is good.....

All that glitters is good.....

Friday, May 31, 2013

Oops I Did It Again (For the 3rd and 6th Time)!

No, this blog post will not be a nostalgic look back into Britney Spear's career. Although perhaps that would be less embarrassing than what I'm about to admit. Over Memorial Day weekend, I went to the movies alone. Twice. Because I didn't want to tell anyone what I wanted to see. And this is why.

Last Sunday I went to see "The Hangover Part III." I liked the first one a lot. It was hilarious, there weren't any other movies quite like it. Then the second came along with pretty much the exact same plot line, except in Bangkok instead of Vegas. I wanted to see the 3rd as they promised it would be the last one (please keep this promise!), so I wanted to see how it all ended. You could tell they were applying learnings from the first two. Zach Galifianakas and Ken Jeong are clearly the best characters. Jeong as Mr. Chow got a pretty substantial amount of time in this one, as Justin Bartha (boring) got about 10 minutes. Ed Helms as Stu is a fun guy to beat up on. Bradley Cooper is there to be pretty. Funny female roles have been lacking in the first two, although I didn't mind Heather Graham as the happy-go-lucky stripper (who get a cameo in this final installment, as does baby Carlos). This one brought in Melissa McCarthy, the perfect love interest for Alan. And the Wolfpack is back in Vegas, which is how it should be. There's an extra scene that plays shortly into the credits, so don't leave your seats too fast because it is pretty stellar. 

It gets more awkward. And honestly I was more excited for this one. Monday I went to see "Fast & Furious 6" and it was awesome. I can't explain it but I really like these movies. I'd say I was a street racer in a previous life but it would have to be horse and buggy racing. Rowdy. Anyway, outside of the original one, this one was by far my favorite. These movies are so purposefully absurd that it had the audience laughing at multiple times. The one complaint I have about this one is that The Rock (aka Dwayne Johnson because he's a "serious" actor now) has a larger role. As special agent Hobbs, he gets the gang back together to catch a gang of mercenaries in exchange for full pardons. He gets them to do this not out of the goodness of their hearts but because he also shows Dom proof that Letty is alive and rolling with this group. I'm so glad they brought Michelle Rodriguez (Letty) back. The movie needs that female badass that provides us women with someone to root for and provides girl fight opportunities for the male viewers. And guess what? There is going to be a seventh!! I know you were concerned, I definitely was. Stay through the credits for a teaser. Spoiler alert: Jason Statham is in the 7th!! I am so excited. And no I'm not being sarcastic.

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