Yes, I am aware that may be the most epic-ally horrible blog title ever but my creative juices are out right now. The other weekend I went to see "Admissions," starring Tina Fey and Paul Rudd. It was a Friday night after a long weekend of work and it seemed like the perfect fluff movie to turn off my brain and go see. I expected nothing more than your standard rom-com. It was actually much better than I expected and had everyone in the theater laughing on several occasions.
Number one, let me take this moment to express my undying love for Tina Fey. When she and Amy Poeler hosted the Golden Globes this year, I wished we could be real life friends. For women out there who just want to be awesome without playing the game, I thank you. I'll confess I've never watched "30 Rock" but you never ceased to surprise me in films like "Baby Mama," "Mean Girls" and "Date Night."
Number two, let me take this moment to express my undying love for Paul Rudd. I've loved you ever since your busted onto the scene as the lovable brother in "Clueless" and my love deepened when you played Phoebe's boyfriend on "Friends." I don't know what it is, I just love that man. Definitely Top 5 for sure. I assumed like all men in Hollywood he's freakishly short (I'm looking at you Tom Cruise) but I guess he's 5'10 in real life. I won't live, he's had some misses in his career (think "Year One," "The Oh in Ohio," and "Dinner for Schmucks")). And he's made us laugh (think "Anchorman," "I Love You Man," "Forgetting Sarah Marshall," and "Knocked Up") but also proven to be versatile ("Diggers").
"Admission" follows ambitious Portia (the reasoning behind the name and the mom who gave her it are pretty hilarious), an admissions aide for Princeton who gets called by John Pressman (Rudd) to come check out his alternative high school. She thinks it's one of her regular visits to present her spiel about what Princeton looks for in a prospective student, but he actually thinks one of his student may be her son. Also, I think my favorite part in the movie was when these kids were reacting to her talk and asking why they would ever consider joining the rat race and attending a bourgeois Ivy league school. I thought it was a charming movie that will make you smile. Worth a matinee, definitely a rental.